cleaning the pins of NOS tubes...bad idea?

I am a tube noob. Just bought my first set of NOS tubes. I use Kontak, Deoxit, ProGold and the like on the connectors on my cables. I notice that the pins of most NOS tubes show significant oxidation. it a good idea to use Kontak or the like on them, or do you just leave them alone?
For heavy oxidation, I use a dremel fitting with a polishing wheel and jeweler's polishing rouge. Use a very light touch.
It is a good idea to make the contact as clean and smooth as possible, the above ideas are good. I recall that Andy Bouwman also sands the pins in the tubes that he sells.
Caig has a brand new product out that is specifically designed for this type of cleaning. I received an e-mail from Music Direct the other day that showcased this cleaner. Just do a search for Caig on the music direct site and you'll find it. I think its $40 or so.
I just ordered it, and what you are getting is a bottle of the original G100 formula of ProGold, with cleaning bruhes and applicators. I haven't found the G100 available in any other form, I like it better than their current available cleaning products.

Use care when removing tubes with a base.Its easy to break the base loose.Also,you need to be careful about the writing if you want to resell them.The writing rubs off fairly easy.