McIntosh C220 VS C2300 AB comparison

Has anyone done an A/B on these tube puppies?

(if) Presumably C2300 sounded better, but does it justified the extra 3 bills?

I just listen to CD & Internet radio streaming, do I need c2300 at all?

Back end is mc275v + B&W803s, thanks for your advice.
The original designer of the C2200 was Sidney Coderman (sp?) a long time McIntosh designer. The sound of the c2200 was more on the warmer side with a top end thatwas not as bright as the C220. I did my research and also spoke with people Audio Classics prior to making my decision. The C2200 was about $1200 less than the C220 and $3200 less than the C2300 (the C2200 was a used unit - an easy 9/10). If I were to upgrade it would be to the C2300 due to the phonostage - C2200 has MM only; C2300 has MM/MC which is adjustable via the remote. Stereophile has an excellent review on the C2200 and The Absolute Sound still picks the C2200 as the >$10000 pre to own even though it is not longer in production.
For what its worth the C2300 has a MC phono stage based on the same one found in the very expensive and top-of-the-line C1000..
I have owned all 3, and presently have the C2300. The phono section alone in the C2300 is worth the difference. I can tell you that the C2300 is the better performing amp in both sound and function.

I really liked my C2200, and on line level signals (SACD/CD) it would be a closer call. But when I play records the C2300 has superior detail and sound quality.

However, if you are never going to play vinyl, and cost is a factor the C220 is very, very nice for the money.
I currently use a Rega P7 with a DV20X (high output) MC and a Graham Slee Era Gold V phoono stage. I have been very curious about the phono stage in the C2200 - have you any personal experience with the C2200 MM stage? I am using stock tubes but have some that Jim McShane recommended to em to use in the stage. Curious what your experiences are.

If McIntosh ever comes back with the trade-up program I will probably give the C2300 a try.