Concert Fidelity audition program

I recently auditioned a Concert Fidelity CF-080 linestage as part of an in home audition program from their website. The linestage was mated to an Essence Electro Acoustics Emerald 1B amp and this match proved to be revelatory in improving my musical enjoyment. The CF-080 linestage is of minimalist design and really lets the music through with incredible transparency, lightening fast transients, and the most complete finishing of notes with tonal purity and accuracy I've ever heard.(The CF-080 replaced an $18K tube linestage in my system).I urge you to visit their website and take part in this audition program. If you are a user of Concert Fidelity/Silicon Arts Design products I would be interested in your tube choices with the linestage and your speaker choices when using the amps?
I am also using my CF 080 LS/X with Venture speakers-the CR-8 Signatures. My next upgrade will be bigger Venture speakers, when I move my system to a much larger room. I am using a Burmester 911 MK3 amp and the synergy between these units is awesome.
Has anyone heard the new V2? I mean the version 2 of the LSX. It is a $4k upgrade for us LS/X owners.
Recently found a set of NOS "Valvo" 6CA4's. (1) for the CF LSX 2.0 and (1) for the 040 DAC. 1969 dates. So far this is my favorite rectifier tube-if you can find these I would recommend for the CF electronics. Second would be the original Mullards. Still using the Sylvania 5963's as preference for the 12au7's.