a little pre help please

Hi all, just wondering if anyone has done an A-B demo with the AES AE-3 Mk II, or the AE-3 DJH and compared it/them to the Primaluna 3 preamp. I am aware of course that the associated equipment makes a difference to the overall sound. So if you don't mind at least saying what type of tubes you were running in your amp(s)

thanks in advance!

I believe the Klimo uses 12ax7s.Could you not roll some Amperex 6922s or even Mullards? >>Audio Mirror.
Well, don't have much NOS in the way of 12AX7 so I will skip the Klimo for now. I am not aware if the Audio Mirror will allow a 6922. I believe the 61N1 is close but not exactly the same. So far by browsing the Audio Mirror web page I see nothing that suggests I could swap over to 6922.

Anyone out there tried a 6922 in their Audio Mirror?

However my first choice is a 6SN7 pre.


KT 88,You had mentioned the AM and 6922/6dj8.I'm not completely enamored of the "super tubes".

I'm not enamored with super tubes either. In then end I went with a Rogue 99. I have read from some that is a bit noisy, from others that it is quiet. I previously owned the 66 and found it slightly noisy. But other 6SN7 pre amps were not available so the Rogue it is.
Why don't you try a mapletree 2A SE or 4A SE? I had the 2A and regretted selling mine. Dr. Peppard can customize gain and mods for you. You can also switch between 12sn7 and 6sn7 tubes. I found some awesome 12sn7 tubes on ebay cheap! Construction is a bit DIY but these things sound great. They sell instantly and you won't loose much money either if you don't like it.