Class T amps and Zu Druid Credenza's

Thinking about purchasing the Druid Credenza's and was curious about pairing them up with a Class T amp. Specifically I was looking at the King Rex, Pop Pulse ones, i.e. less expensive amps.

I would also be open to Red Wine Amps and Bel Canto. Just wondering if anyone has played with Zu speakers and Class T amps.
By "class T" do you mean based on the TriPath module? If so I can recommend, although there is lots to an amp outside the control module. I have three CarverPro ZR1600 stereo amps which are based on the TriPath module, and they are as good or better than my three CI D200 mono amps that are based on the Hypex module. The D200 is "audiophile approved". The ZR1600 is a pro sound amp, and is therefore bad mouthed by audiophiles. They are missing out on a damn good deal.
Yes I was referring to the TriPath module.

Also open to other budget amps including tubes that work well with these speakers.
What price range do you consider "budget"? What other equipment are you using? How is your room configured? These things need to be factored into the equasion.You will get better rec's from folks if you let them know this stuff.Good luck.
Budget - Less than $1000
Room - Family Room 16x18 10 foot ceilings. Large walkway to the kitchen on the left side.
Other Equipment - Worried about matching the amp to the speakers at this time. Preamp might be needed if the amp I get does not have a matching preamp or if it is not integrated. (alot of the class t amps are)