best solid state integrated to match with B&W 685s

Hi folks, I am new to Audiogon but love the site. I am just starting out on my trip to audiophile heaven, and currently I have 15 year old Yamaha gear (RX-485 and cheapo CDP). I bought the B&Ws in August and have been researching ever since.
The room is small, 14x12, and my music is intensely varied, from Snoop Dogg to Aphex Twin to Vivaldi. What would be the best integrated amps to start auditioning?
I am planning to eventually build a system with an external DAC and the Wadia iTransport, so am looking very hard at refurbished Deccos...Also considering the NAD C326 BEE, the Cambridge Audio 550a, the Music Hall A25.2, and a used Creek 5350SE if I can find it cheap enough.
Budget is under $800, has already been pushed to the limit.
Thanks. I should say I listen to *very little* rap, but some tracks get me moving.
I have been nervous about buying used gear, but I am warming up to this notion after seeing how expensive entry level hi-fi really is.
The Decco really intrigues me but I am reluctant because of the limited amp quality I have read about.
Used NAD gear often does not match in color or styling, a minor consideration, but I am a visual person, so it does matter to me, probably more than most. I know the sound is most important.
I am not hearing a whole lot of support for CA out there...and there is an awful lot of it on Audio Advisor clearance...
What about the Jolida 1501RC? Would this be overpowering the 685s, does anyone have this amp? It is another hard to get item in Denver, so service would be a problem.
For the money you're going to overpay for electronics, you could get much "better" speakers (although that's of course subjective). I came close to buying those and then I auditioned several other speakers in the sub 1500 price range. I found 3 or 4 others I liked a lot more. I found you pay a premium for the B&W name -- even for speakers made in China.
I used a NAD C325BEEE with the 685's in a smallish room and the sound was terrific.
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