SS integrated amp to drive Wilson audio sophia/WP7

I want to have a simple system. What is a good ss integrated amp to drive wilson audio sophia 2 or WP7 with Linn ikemi cd player and transparent super cables?
Audiofeil - I didn't realize Pass had come out with the INT-30A. So what are your thoughts of it compared to the INT-150, besides the obvious power difference?
I was told by Wilson audio that they used Boulder, MC MA6900, Naim SuperNait to demo the sophia/WP.

I am interested in Nait XS, MC MA6600, Accuphase E450. Does anyone has experience or comparison for these three? It is hard for me to find a dealer to listen to the Accuphase or Naim .
The Wilson's are linear enough to not require "tell it like it is" components. That said, the Naim XS with a flatcap XS would be a damned good affordable solid state match with the Watt Pup's. You will be seeing more and more Naim/Wilson pairings at shows in the future, I can almost guarantee it.
the accuphase has a very linear sound. Warm sounding but with details. Very balanced sounding.
I would imagine it will go well with the Wilson speakers. They seem to go well with most hi end speakers I heard them with.
the Naim are known for their pace, rythm and timing forte. they are also fun amps & have been known to drive the Wilson Sophia's well.
However between the Naim and Accuphase, I much prefer the refinement of the Accuphase. The E450 for instance has 180w of power which will have enough headroom for the Wilsons.
Hard to go wrong with the Accuphase.
I have the Pass INT-150, and can definitely recommend it as a stellar integrated amp. I haven't heard it with the Wilsons, however, so can't help there. I've heard the MA6600 with sonus faber and was VERY impressed. The 7000 is also very good, but you can't turn off the meters, there's no digital readout for volume, and it's a bit on the big side--still wouldn't keep me from trying one, mind you.