Creek 5350se vs. Cambridge Audio 840a V2

Hi I'm am agonizing over these two integrated amps. Heard them both and liked them both. Other options include the Naim Nait 5i or the Roksan Kandy K2 (although having two speaker outs would be a bonus). System is quite simple: B&W 800 series, Arcam alpha 7se (quite old but still v. nice).

Thanks for you help!
The below two are the best of the lot. Your choice depends on the type of music you listen to, and the rest of your system.

Cambridge Audio 840A v2 - For tonal accuracy, transparency, resolution, finesse, micro-dynamics, but timing is not as accurate as Naim

Naim Nait 5i - For PRAT, but tonally inaccurate
Thanks Bssk.

I listen mainly to Jazz but sometimes to W. african, classic rock and classical.

How would 840a or Nait 5i compare to Creek Destiny?

My system is quite simple and modest: B&w 800 series and arcam alpha 7se cd player.

thanks again
I have not heard Creek Destiny amplifier, so I cannot comment. However, it has good reviews. I would advice you to never buy audio equipment based only on reviews.

I also listen to Jazz, Classical, and Classic Rock. Based on my taste, I would choose Cambridge Audio 840A v2.

Also check Simaudio i5.3 integrated amplifier. I recently heard the i5.3 and I was amazed by its performance. It outperformed my VTL/Bryston combination. I am thinking of buying the i5.3 amplifier, it is an amplifier I can live with for a long time and also simplifies my setup. According to me, Simaudio i5.3 outperforms Bryston B-100 SST, Plinius 9200, Krell KAV 400i, Naim SuperNait, Linn Majik i and Musical Fidelity A5.
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I think the Simaudio would be great. It is a little more than I would like to spend. So I think I may be back to my original two: 5350se and the 840aV2. What is the difference between the 5350se and the classic 5350se. I hear one is better than the other and vice versa.