0 feedback sellers

I don't feel confident buying from 0 feedback sellers, but I see some people buy from them. What procedures do you use to make this transaction successful?
Jmcgrogan2, you check ID'S at the door? How do you report them if they beat you to death? I think the Uncle thing in part would work great and is a good idea, if a person would get weird about that idea may indicate they are a scammer, ofcourse I wouldnt go as far as to keep up the fib and then confess to a goofy way of qualifying a sale, I would simply dismiss the idea as not needed after a certain comfort is found. Some folks with little or no feedback will just have to make an effort to proove honesty, maybe payment opun delivery and the old wait till the check clears upon sale to them...most will understand their lack of feedback is a concern, also the whole feedback is somewhat useless, I have atleast 10 transactions with no feedback traded....I bet alot of folks do aswell, the leads to the last way to check a guy out wich is active participation in the forums and refrences from other members, after all do you feel comfortable with a guy with 100 positive transactions if it is all used music at a couple bucks per sale?.....if I were to buy a $10,000 pair of speakers that feedback still means little.
Hard call sometimes, 'cause we were all obviously at zero. I personally shy away from zero-feedback sellers for bigger-ticket items, just 'cause. I also have stuff I'll eventually sell, but won't ever consider doing that until I buy a few more things and establish a higher feedback. Since I just don't do that many transactions through AGon I'm not holding my breath for that first sale...

I also prefer to not talk on the phone & give out our number - don't need any more folks knowing that number and have met enough silver-tongued devils to know it doesn't always filter out the scammers. I do prefer (semi-)local pickup if possible - I've met some truly exceptional folks that way (and y'all know who you are - every one!). I like the combination of meeting the other party and being able to see and judge the item before my money is long gone.

Bottom line is that I'd prefer to deal with someone with even minimal (and hopefully older) feedback than anyone with a zero. Not that I wouldn't ever consider it, but I work way too hard for the $$$ to send it to scams.
What was the question again? Oh yeah, Talk to them on the phone and reduce your deal to writing in order to have evidence for litigation. Got it thanks.