Cary SLI-80 Signature and EL34s

I'm a fan of EL34s and would like to hear from owners of this amp who tried it with EL34. What did you set the bias as and what were the overall results.

Thanks in advance,
Oops. My mistake. Should have looked at the box first. SED =C=, not Svetlana. .
My experience was similar in terms of sound quality. Ended up preferring KT88 in triode mode. Doesn't hurt to try.
I recently purchased this amp and it came with EH KT88s.
I agree that they have better bottom end and more extended highs but they don't have the delicacy and purity of EL34s.

Oh well, tube rolling time! Ain't life grand ; )
quote] Oops. My mistake. Should have looked at the box first. SED =C=, not Svetlana] end quote

Both are Svetlana! Aren't they?
Yes, you are correct. I've several things going on at one time. Sorry if I've confused you. I used the EHs, had them blow and take out a few capacitors. Not the best tube, but that's my opinion. I like the Tung Sol 6550 reissue and the Gold Lion KT88 reissue. To my ear, rolling the 6922s had the most effect in tailoring sound followed by the outputs then the drivers. It's a fun amp.