Joule Electra LA-150 MK3 vs MK2?

Apparently there is a MK3 version of the highly regarded LA-150 now and I can't seem to find any info on it. Can anyone tell me how it differs from the MK2? Thanks in advance, John.
Suggest you contact the source. Call Jud Barber at Joule Electra and ask him. He's a really nice guy and would be happy to answer your questions.
Hello Jman,
You probably mean new "Marianne Electra Memorial Edition Preamp" which is coming as a new flagship - it will be shown at CES 2009. At that time. I am told the info will appear on the web site. A few people who auditioned prototype were literally "shocked"
All The Best
Marianne Electra Memorial Edition Preamp will be presented in Joule-Electra & Merlin Music Systems Room at
Consumer Electronics Show, 2009 January 8-11, at the Venetian Tower Hotel, Room 29-217

Come to listem - there is a chance it will not be complete waste of your time but rather interesting discovery....

Thank you