
Discussions jman has started

Which tubed pre to "flesh out" my mids???1182126
Joule Electra LA-150 MK3 vs MK2?3481167
Speakers connections on ASL 1009???19791
Removing the ground on PC?451216
Affordable pre-amp solutions??44473
Which NOS tubes on my ASL 1009 for more warmth?607213
Platform recommendations for my CDP...33245
What is the "load" end of TG interconnects??24163
Miles Davis Kind of Blue...any options on cd?45608
Shipping tube amps, leave tubes in or out?306410
Best speaker for medium to low power tube amps??521711
Best speaker for BC2 amps.....26295
CAT monoblocks....29674
Sonus Faber or not??60954
Best Balanced and singal ended pre-amp?408011