Anybody remember Mirror Image Audio ?

Hey gang,

Here is a name from the long ago. Mirror Image Audio. I have run into a few of thier pieces in the Atl and was wondering if anybody remembered them or had any thoughts on them. I found 2 preapms and 2 mono block amps plus a stereo amp and a brochure. They were made in Lancaster, New York and look like they might be pretty special. Great specs but real ones too. Any thoughts or ideas would be helpful.
A guy I work was a part of that company. According to him they are great amps. I never heard his. He just sold it. Their amps were rated in horsepower instead of watts.

He's got some funny stories about going to shows and other little tidbits of the business. He told me they never pursued getting reviewed in TAS or Stereophile and that was their downfall. I've heard that from other vendors too. Evidently very hard to get them to review a new brand.

About the funniest one he's told was when they were demo'ing their gear to Jeff Rowland at a show. They had a audiophile vinyl pressing that was supposed to be played at 45 rpm and they accidentily played it at 33 rpm to Jeff Rowland. He said they didn't notice until after Jeff was gone and figure Jeff must have thought they were complete idiots!
I bought it from used dealer last year. A rare find in Asia. Great amp but heard the company wind up long ago. What a shame. My .2P pre doesn't come with XLR input. Is this norm for Mirror Image ?
I never owned any mirror image audio products, but the best audio system I have personally ever heard (at the now defunct Excaliber audio shop in Alexandria, VA circa 1990) consisted of a Quicksilver preamplifier, Mirror Image monoblock amplifiers, and MartinLogan CLS electrostatic speakers. (I don't remember the turn table or cd player that was used.)

This system presented audio images that were beyond holographic in their nearly tangible, palpable reality, without being over-etched. The reality of the audio images was not only in the spatial domain, but also in the temporal domain including exquisite transient response and frequency extension without harshness, glare, or graininess.

Unfortunately, being a graduate student at the time, I could not afford any of the components, much less that whole system.