Best Power amps in $7000 range

It seems impossible to narrow down all the good choices. I feel overwhelmed because I want to purchase a 300-400w amp in the $7000 range and there are so many options. I want it to be my last power amp purchase for at least the next 20 years. I've considered Bryston, Classe, Mcintosh, and Parasound. This list is compiled of components I can purchase locally. Any thoughts or impressions on any of these? I've heard bryston in the past and thought they sounded kind of bright, it could've been the setup thought. I currently am using a Classe CA-300 and really like it but I want to replace it due to age. I have no experience with parasound or Mcintosh.
I went from an inexpensive, lower powered Bryston (3B-ST) to a moderately expensive, high powered Mac (MC402) so a comparison between the brands is unfair in my experience. Having said that, I did find the Bryston sound to be a little bright and sibilant. The Mac is everything I've wanted in a power, however, it is not as powerful and dynamic as the power ratings would suggest. You should definitely add Pass Labs to your short list
The Classe seems to have some kind of static sound that crops up occasionally. It only happens when certain songs play and only at particular frequencies. I have no idea what it is nor do I want to pay the $100 each way to mail it to Montreal and have Classe bill me $75/h to fix it (I contacted them and that is how much it costs). When it doesn't do this, it sounds absolutely amazing. I don't even care if a new amp sounds better, I just want it to sound as good as the Classe. I figured, I have the money now and may not in the future, so I want to buy a very good "new" amp that I know will last a long time. I have Usher speakers, rogue preamp, music hall table with a grado cartridge, and an old pioneer elite pd-65, which I will not replace until it stops working.
Adamg, do you think the Mcintosh would be as powerful and dynamic as the Classe CA300?
*MAN* that's a lot of money.

Don't get me wrong -- if you've got it, more power to you. I just have a difficult time believing that there's an amplifier in that price-point that sounds $6000 better than a gently pre-owned, thousand-dollar amp.

Now before anybody says it, no, I haven't ever heard any seven thousand dollar amps. But still, I could do a lotta speaker upgradin' for six thousand bucks. I guess this just isn't my world. (Which would mean that I have no business posting, huh?)

Has anyone suggested Ayre? Again, this is all third-hand, but I don't know anyone in any of these forums who is unhappy with Ayre or thinks they're overrated or anything like that.
I have no experience with the Classe so I can't comment. However, I would be very suprised that anyone wouldn't be very pleased with the MC402. Very musical and engaging. If dynamics are important to you, than Pass may be the more appropriate choice. The merits of each have been contested endlessly in these forums.