How to evaluate amps that are not broken in?

I'm expecting to demo Belles and JoLida amps next week at home, and both units are new. Can I assume that if I like the sound of an amp now, I will like it just as much after it's broken in? How does one account for this variable when trying to decide if a new piece of gear will be synergistic with one's system? Thanks!
I agree with musicslug that the components will only sound better over time as the components within the gear start to break in and stablize.
If you have only 2 days over the weekend I would let the gear play continously for a set period of time and then start to listen seriously;at least let the gear thermally stabilze.
Robr45, I experienced a dramatic change with my Creek 5350 se-- far beyond what I was expecting, actually. So I guess that experience puts me firmly in the "believer" camp. Rleff, I will do as you suggest. Thanks!
Doesn't it seem odd that "break in" always seems to result in an improvement, never a change for the worse?
Whoaru99, very interesting point. I was thinking the same thing as I was reading the responses. I can imagine a situation where a component sounds wonderful and a change may not be perceived as better. Hmmm.
The only new component I've purchased lately is an Oppo DV-980H but I only bought it to use as a transport and I haven't noticed any changes. I have trouble thinking the data stream will change much over time.
Whoaru99, I couldn't comment-- I haven't owned enough new gear to have formed a strong opinion.