Biamping B&W 802 with Musical Fidelity and Bryston

I’m using Musical Fidelity A3Cr (120 WPC) to drive B&W matrix 802. The source is Toshiba SD 9200 DVD player. Preamp is Audible Illusions L1. My system sounds a bit bright. I’m thinking about adding another MF A3Cr or Bryston 4B (250WPC) for bi-amping. Any thoughts?
Thank you.
In my opinion neither of those amps are "nice" on the top. I was an MF dealer and used a 4B for an hour in my system before I just had to remove it. Very metallic sounding to my ear. Too bad too I really wanted it, they are well built and as it was a trade in I could have gotten it cheap. I settled on CJ SS amps. I first got the 100WPC MF2100. Nice. I then got a MF2500- 250WPC and put the 2100 in the closet. I then bi-wired the 2500. Big improvement. I then decided hey these two amps both have the same gain,input impedance and sensitivity. I then implemented a horizontal bi-amp. Again another level of improvement. Not subtle either, especially in image and soundstage. Read Rodman's link too, it's good.

I agree with most here, sell the amp and get one amp which will do both or two the same to bi amp. I like electroids reccomendation, MF2500, but maybe I'm biased, trying to sell my MF2500A, ha, but I did biamp with two amps diferent manufacturers, cj mf2250 and rotel 1080, when I got rid of the rotel and added just the mf2500A it was much better. I didn't try the biamp with the two cj pieces because I just decided to get a whole new system. I geuss the point is the 250 watts not biamped was much better than two lesser amps biamped. I have a large room though and needed more speaker and more power, so selling all.

Hi Alexv

I biamp my 801Ns with Mac tube and solid state amps, and am very happy with the results. That being said, I think that if your system sounds bright to you, adding more power to the bottom end won't change the way your current amp comes across in the mids and highs. The brightness is what you really want to address. Another amp on mid and high frequencies might do the job for you. Also, as Cxintx suggested, another source might be the answer.

Hi Bill,
I think that the major problem is the amp. I have Cornwalls and Aleph 3 and SD9200 does not sound too bright with them.
I agree with Electroid neither Bryston no Musical Fidelity are nice on the top, both sound metallic. I want to try CJ and may be Classe with my B&W. Im also thinking about trying Rega Apollo after I sort out the problem with the amp. People say it sounds very decent and its not too pricy.

Everyone thanks for your input.
CJ is any thing but bright and I think you would be happy with any of thier amps 250 watts or more that you can afford, old or new models. Thier SS amps are very warm sounding in my experience. I like to put tube pre on the SS amps,
