LFD Integrated Zero MK III

can anyone comment on the qualities or have any experience with this int amp?
own a cambridge 840c cd player and i think it outperforms my naim cd5x/flatcap 2x . tried both hooked up to prima luna dialogue I integrated felt the cambridge had a lot more air between instruments better highs and lows without sounding harsh and better dynamics. Naim sounded vailed in comparison. Not sure if the prima luna and naim combo are a good matchup but i was disappointed in the performance of the naim cause i need to decide which one to keep and have a bigger investment in the naim
just to finish my thread above , was thinking about purchasing an LFD int to go with the naim
I have recently gotten my hands on one of the last MKII's that was kicking around new in box. Not sure exactly what the changes are to the MKIII but given how long the list was to get a MKIII, I figured it was worth a shot. My original plan was to get a Naim Supernait but the dealer suggested that I have a listen to the LFD before making final decisions.

Anyways, the LFD is here to stay and my old integrated(DK Ref MKII) didn't even get hooked back up for an A/B. What I found overall was that the LFD does an excellent job of nailing the signature of each instrument or voice regardless of what's being played and no matter how complex things get, the amp is easily able to portray everything that comes through very realistically. The best part is that it just likes to make music, the urge to pick everything apart subsides and you just want to kick your feet up and enjoy. As compared to the Naim gear that I heard the LFD is similarly lively and musical but is more smooth and is less rolled off on the highs. The only downside is that it's telling me that it's time for a new turntable but the upside is that what I paid versus the other gear that I was looking at + power supplies I can actually afford it now...
No experience with the LFD, but it caught my attention.

I agree bid time on the LFD paired with a Cambridge 840c.
Have been considering the LFD myself, from what I've read the natural and easy flow of the lfd should be a perfect counter balance to the very slight & only occasional diggie nature of the 840 (which i own and really like)

I also had the Naim cd5x/flatcap and also liked that.., with the same small complaint of "no space between the players", but in all other reguards liked it.

Hope you get the LFD and let us know what you think! Think it will be extremely natural sounding unit and probably a good match with Brit speakers and a more analytical front end, Ayre, opus 21, or the 840c.
Does anybody own a Plinius amp prior to trying the LFD Zero Mk3 amp? I am wondering whether the LFD integrated would be a significant improvement to my Plinius and ARC combination. I'm currently looking at some good high-end integrated as an alternative to my separates and the LFD(apart from the French-made Lavardin IT) has peaked my interest.

Has anybody compared the LFD Zero MkIII back-to-back with the Lavardin IT? Are these two integrateds in another level compared to the Plinius SA-100MkIII/ARC LS-16 combination in terms of quality and performance(taking system matching out of the context)?

Thanks in advance.