Tenor Audio - Anyone hear them?

Has anyone heard these amplifiers? How do they compare to other amps you have heard? What speakers did you hear them with?
That puts a whole new spin on his very positive comments! I've traded emails with some members who say he offers very healthy discounts on these amps. Anybody else have any positive experiences about buying Tenor amps from Jtinn to share? TIA
The Tenor amps may be the next best amp in the world - and in that regard they will have long, historic company. But, I don't care what Jtinn "is" to his personal audio-buddies; if he, or any other dealer, puts a rave or dump on a product, then he should disclose his financial relationship to that product. This is a very common and well-known point of etiquette that any dealer who is not a "shill" knows, even the honest shills.
Is that the same Sam Tellig that thought the Radio Shack portable CD player was one of the greatest pieces of audio gear he's ever heard?
kevinkwann@aol.com: The Tenors are wonderful amplifiers, period. When you buy a manufacturer's equipment, you too have a relationship with that manufacturer. Does that make your opinions less valuable? I recommend equipment other than what I own or am affiliated with just as quickly and strongly as my own if I feel it is the best for the needs of the person asking.

By the way Kevin, what is your user name? You appear to be hiding behind an email address that is not associated with a user name and we certainly do not know your affiliations, if any.

Lexicon: Tenor Audio amplifiers are not discounted in any way what so ever. You obviously have received poor information.

I am an audiophile and own the best I can find for my personal system regardless of my affiliations. My involvement with Tenor, from a distribution point of view, came only after my experience with their amplifiers as a listener of music. I found the amps to be so far and away better than anything else I have heard, I bought them as an audiophile. Only after living with them, as an audiophile, did I decide I wanted to help bring them into the US.

My positive comment is one of many from those who have heard them. I have never heard anything different from anyone who is familiar with them other than "they are the best".

If you are in the market for the purest sound available and choose to see my comments as a "spin" and buy something else, that would be your loss. Ask MES, Hoosier, mikel and many others who feel as I do - these amps are closer to the music than anything any of us have heard. Everything else seems to sound like hifi in comparison.