Tube preamp $1500-2000 for a thin sounding amp?

Hi, i'm looking for a good tube preamp that gives body to my sound. I have a Musical Fidelity A3CR amp and preamp and I think this couple is thin sounding, I want to try a tube preamp to see if I can solve this. I like my classical orchestra music to sound full bodied. I have a subwoofer, so the problem is not deep bass, but maybe mid-bass or upper bass (?). I'd appreaciate any help, I've got almost $2,000 to spend.
Try a used deHavilland UltraVerve, if you can find one. You will easily be able to tailor the sound of the preamp by just rolling one 6SN7 tube. When I had one, it had all the fullness and lushness one could ask for.
I would try a different source if I were in your shoes.I haven't spent any time with your DAC,but the source could very well be the root of the problem. I'll suggest a Electrocompaniet ECD-1. I've been auditioning a modified version of this Dac(thanks to a friend) using a passive volume pot. No tubes in the system at all.The sound is VERY full bodied and slightly warm with no hint of detail lost.It seems to do this without getting strident or bright.The soundstage is stable and wraps around you ...if your speakers image properly. This is a very well balanced dac..never calling attention to just one part of the music.

Good luck with your hunt!
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Maybe you should try some nice thick interconnects and speaker cables to beef up that thin sounding amp. Try and ask for Porky.