Recent cd players w/ analog output/volume control

I'm looking for a moderately (no more than about $1500 new or used) to inexpensively priced cd player that has a volume control with variable analog output allowing direct connection to an amp. So far, my research has revealed a relatively small handful of such cd players, most of which are older and/or discontinued. Does anyone know of any present or recent players having this capability? Thanks to any or all.
All McIntosh saCD/CD players have vaiable output with volume control. You can find them used ..maybe a mcd201 for around 1500 or so. And these players are made to drive your amp directly. They have RCA and XLR for FIxed and variable output.
Thank you, Matt. Before anyone else plans to respond, I would just like to add I want to avoid any cd player whose sound is sharp edged, bright, biased toward the treble range or overly analytical.
Why an analog volume control? The loss of resolution/SQ when using a digital volume control is very overrated. That said, if it must be analog, some of the Cary's have analog VC's. Theta Miles does too.
Zd542: Good question. Frankly, I'm not really sure. Maybe it's my ignorance regarding some sort of lingering prejudice about "digital artifacts". What do you expect from an old, dyed-in-the-wool analog fan ;-)?