Tube Research Labs Solid State Designs

Has anybody heard Paul Weitzel's designs that would expand on the signature sound of his amplifiers

I'm very much interested in buying one of his amps but I have not heard it and going solely on what I hear

I can't seem to find any pictures anywhere
The TRL websight has not been updated in a while
Paul must be busy working on Medical breakthroughs
Kurt how would you compare the sound of the Stellavox Mono's to the TRL ST 225
Which one has the edge in overall musicality

I'm considering the amp version of the ST 225
I've been told by Brian the sound is very much the same between the integrated and the Amp version
I have not had the chance to compare the two directly so will rely on memory.
I replaced the stellavox with the goldmund 18.4 monos and felt they (18.4's) were better in every parameter...except price (the stella's, like the TRL, are value champs imho)

I think the quality of sound with the trl and the 18.4's are very similar...quiet, fast, dynamic, neutral, powerful.

The goldmund fit and finish was superb where the trl is ok.. by high end standards

The trl is 30% the cost of the goldmund so on the value scale the trl is the clear winner.

I am using the Dartzeel now and like it better than the trl but again on the value scale there is no comparison.

Although I do not own one of the TRL amps, I do know this: Paul and Brian do not over-estimate their work. What they say, as far as their description of their products/work is concerned, is probably on the conservative side. In other words - The product will probably be better than they say. :-)

Let us know what you do.

good luck.
Thx Kurt for your informative reply on the subject
Have you also had a chance to listen to the Audipax 88
I can go either way ss or Tube with my speakers and wanted to get your personal experiences of both amps
What trade offs do I give up Trl vs Audiopax 88 stereo
The price of the Audiopax is double the Trl I may be able to pick one up second hand if I decided to go that route

My room is 15x12 and I don't listen at high levels 80db or less
Again, I owned the Audiopax 88's at a time when I did not have the TRl and they are so different it is hard to compare.
I think the Audiopax are wonderful with the right of the most natural and musical amps I have had the pleasure of using.
The TRL is more versatile and mine (ST 225) has the benefit of being an integrated so again on the value scale it is not close.
It's really probably a Chocolate/Vanilla thing with these.
The TRL has a more dynamic, vivid and forward presentation where the Audiopax has more of an organic and liquid quality.
Both are musical and your preference would most likely lie with associated equipment (synergy) and personal taste.
