Is it bad to stack your equipment

Is it really bad to stack components on top of each other. I keep getting more and more multi box components like a DAC/CD and preamps that have clean/dirty box configurations. High end racks cost so much money it would seem I could save a lot of money by stacking some equipment.

I built a "Salamander" clone rack for about 45. bucks from Home Depot stuff. That threaded rod does cost a few dollars!
Thanks everyone. I guess I better shelf each componet on there own. Without a woodworking shop I am not so good a working with wood. I think I better spend the money on a nice rack or hire a carpenter to build one for me.

Thanks again for all your input !!

You can still get someone (carpenter, stoneworker,, somebody else) to make the shelves to your spec & assemble the rack yourself.

For the uprights, you would need only threaded rod (hardware store), bolts, washers, etc. This is the basis of the flexy rack & a number of commercial designs as well.

Best of luck,