Mark Levinson 33H vs Musical Fidelity KW Mono Amps

Both are high quality, high current amps. The Levinson 33H runs at 150watts per channel and the Musical Fidelity KW mono blocks runs at 1000watts per channel. Sonically, are they both high end amps in the same league, or does the Levinson out-class the Musical Fidelity KW's?
I've never heard the Mobile Fidelity, but I have owned a pair of 33H's since they were first introduced in 1999 (give or take). I really don't think you'll ever find a better amplifier. Also, you should be aware that the 150w rating is at 8 ohms. Power doubles at 4 ohms and doubles again at 2 ohms. Therefore, chances are, it's a lot more powerful than you think.
I replaced a pair of Classe' M-1000 monoblocks(1000W@8ohms)
with 33H's a few years back. Although the Classe amps were rated almost 5 times more output than the 33H, there was no contest. The current capability of the 33H and 33 Levinson amplifiers are outstanding.


Paul :-)
I have had the kw mono's at my house while my friend was renovating his house.
I own both the ML 33( on 220V 60amp) ML33h (110V 20amp) and the ASR II Emitter Exclusive. The kw didn't belong in the same room. Power ratings can be misleading. The 33h @150w and the 33@300w have so much more depth, bass slam & resolution that the 1000w was weak by comparision. Just my opinion. My friend after hearing the ML's in my system sold his kw's.

Good luck,Rugyboogie