GMA Europa owners use what amp?

Curious what over GMA Europa owners are using to push their speakers. Do you use a sub?
I built a system entirely around the Europas without ever first hearing them. On Roy's quiet recommendation I bought Edge gear -- the M8 amp and T-3 preamp. Marvelous. I learned a lot about high-fidelity with this setup. About a year afterwards, I inserted rebuilt Heathkit UA-2 monoblocs with NOS tubes. Heavenly!

The M8 emits 175 watts and had seemingly limitless current reserves; The UA-2's are 50 years old, dual 6BQ5's per side, pounding out a measured 16 watts per side. Huge transformers. Absolutely flat from 20hz to >20khz.

I am always conscious of the need to be careful not to overdrive the smaller amps, possibly damaging the tweeters, but I honestly do not suffer for realistic SPL's. They are really impressive. And this is a sound I can live with for a long time. I should add that there is a single Tyler sub good down to mid-twenties also in the system.

I also have Allen 75's (60 watts per side)and Sherwood S-360's (36 watts per side). These also are in the same league with the UA-2's.

By the way, I sold the Edge pieces and could not be more happy and satisfied with my sound.

Amps and preamps may come and go but I think I'll have the Europas a long time.
I should have emphasized that I have no complaints about the Edge equipment. My happiness is of a completely subjective nature having to do with the preferred equipment, not in the fact of having rid myself of Edge gear. Edge Electronics is a first class company with commensurate people and equipment.
I've driven mine in 3 configurations - in my primary system I have B&K M200 Sonata monoblocks. I've also used them for the fronts in a HT system driven by a B&K AV5125. Finally, I tried them with a Bedini 100.100 for a bit. The best result is with the M200's (as one might expect), though they are quite satisfying w/ both the AV5125 and the 100.100.

I'm trying to build a Tube rig now around the Europas. It sounds like I can anticipate good results. I haven't decided on an amp just yet.

For my tastes, and in my room, the Europas must have a sub. I'm running a Rel Storm III.
I use a Densen B100, a minimalist SS design which has been described as SET like mid-high with SS bass in reviews.

Roy uses and recommends EDGE amps ... also a minimalist SS design. Having seen an EDGE integrated with the lid off it looks almost exactly like my Densen inside .... big power supply a minimal signal path.

The europas are pretty revealing, so I would expect harsh SS designs would be a bad partner, and tubes could work very well.

In my opinion you need to budget for sub. I run my Europas with a REL strata crossed at 50Hz and it's a great combo. Without the sub the Europas would struggle on rock and orchestral music.