
I presently use a an HK receiver 3470, without problems. I have been told using one of my vintage NAD 7175pe or 7240pe would provide "far better sound"... , I'm using Tetra120,s and Silverline 17's. Is this technically correct given specs, equipment etc. It has been suggested the NAD's are far superior to the newer HK... I'm a novice, here to learn. Your thoughts? Thanks.
Thanks to all. I guess, ultimately, my concern was whether or not the NAD would the power to drive my speakers since HK has a higher WPC. I also have a mint NAD 7240 pe I bought decades ago, pre children.

I'll have to take an afternoon hook up the various receivers and listen.
Good advise on the capacitors, I wouldn't have thought of that. My greatest concern had been power to "open up" my speakers.

Thanks. rh
I would sell all three, then many good options depending on budget. The older gear loses much as the caps dry out and other parts wear out.
Depends on budget and do you need a receiver as opposed to an integrated amp? My current preferences are Portal Panache, Naim Nait 5i-2, Primare I21, YBA YC201, all under $900. I either own or have owned all of those. I like to use with a vintage tuner.
I also still use an Onkyo A-9555 with my computer, and believe it is still a great buy.