Sweet spot in the AudioQuest line of cables

Would appreciate some feedback in regards to the sweet spot or best bang for your buck in the AQ line of interconnects, speaker cables, and power cords. Throw out the top of the line and the bottom. Only current series products or 1 generation old products please. Thanks in advance for the input.

"Agree RE: King Cobras."

I would go one step further and get Jaguar or Columbia IC's. Then you would have DBS, as well. I have a few pairs of each and there is not much difference between the 2. If your system isn't too revealing, you may not even hear a difference. For speaker cables, CV-6 or CV-8. I have those too. They sound great with anything. Buy a different brand of power cords.
King Cobras were a big disappointment for me. I found them to be slow with a tubby indistinct bass. I found the Monster M1000i to be better if you like this sort of sound. Bottom line: try before you buy or sell 'em.
Again, King Cobras. I also have Colorado ic's and I can hardly tell a difference yet a lot more money.
Oak speaker cable, NRG1000 power cords, Wind interconnects.. the Wind
appears to be the sweet spot in analog
interconnects, although I don't use any analog cables anymore.. I also use
the Diamond USB Cable, and I have a custom REL sub cable made from
Castle Rock.

Oak is their best all copper speaker cable, the NRG 1000.. Is the least
expensive PC to use the best plugs..

I've found that the AQ products to be consistently neutral and not overly
system dependent.