VPI 3D & 10.5i armwand compatibility

Can I mix between these armwands on the same single base/pivot ?

I have two 10.5i armwands for my VPI SSM Ref and am thinking of buying a 3D armwand to try out. HOWEVER I read elsewhere the 3D needs a different (supplied) pivot assembly. This implies I can't mix them.

ALSO there are older threads about your early experiences setting up and listening to the 3D which talk about possible future developments of the arm. Any comments on how that evolution is going ? I have a natural aversion to 'breaking trail'...heightened since my difficulties with rim drive (I'm now back to belts - 3 of them - and very happy).

Fremer's listening downloads comparison of the 3D Vs 10.5 on his site shows NO CONCLUSIVE vote in favor of the 3D!

You are a rabid VPI fanboy, and not rational.
Don...if you want conclusive, just attach one on to your VPI and rediscover all your vinyl.
The 3D tonearm made a substantial improvement over the 10.5i arm on my Super Scoutmaster with rimdrive. The difference is quite noticeable with improved tonality, air, dynamics, better soundstage and depth. Well worth the investment. Yes, there were some glitches during the initial setup but VPI has been super responsive in resolving them.