Any decent TTables with a semiautomatic arm

I know that semiautomatic / returning arms are considered bad, but if you were in an environment where you think its could be an advantage (like you have a child with autism who hates the sound of the end of the record), are there any such arms/turntables that are/were considered better than others?

In my research it seems such tables are often in the direct drive group and are therefore inferior usually to belt driven tables as well.

(I have a Technics SL-5200 and I think the best description of its sound would be 'reliable'. However its sounded pretty similar since 1979 so there's a familiarity there. It has a better cartridge than usual so it currently sounds better than before (ortofon bronze mm). )
If you want auto return there are countless classic tables that fit the bill.

Dual was very popular and I see them at Ebay for $100.00 and even less. Dual is not belt drive but rather rim drive and considered to be a good option as an automatic.

There is also the classic B&O. Some models can even select a specific track on the LP. They are very pretty and many people love their sound.

B&O used run from $100.00 to several hundred depending on model, overall condition and the phono cartridge.
Years ago a had some Denon's with auto lift and shut off,not return at end of play. You can find many listings on Ebay. Thay are real nice tables.
I agree with Albert. The old Dual 1019 is decent enough, and it isn't very expensive. Believe it, or not, there is a certain charm about the sound of it that stands alone, in my opinion. It would be my first choice.
There's a plethora of reasonably priced, new, manual tables out there, that will outperform the old tables, soundwise. Your Ortofon would be compatable with the majority. Whether you were to choose one of those, or to continue to use your present table; you could simply add this device: ( ) I've been using this type(which cost $19.95 and I then carried in my shoppe) since 1980: ( ) ( ) My first one lasted 30 years. If you can find one now, they usually sell for a bit over $100.00. I've purchased two(NOS, off eBay), since my original started lifting too fast. Gotta have a spare, just in case. This guy's proud of his: (