Spendor SP 100/R2 and Harbeth 40.1 - impressions?

Where I am, it's difficult to audition these two flagship speakers side-by-side or at home, so opinions/impressions from anyone would be most welcome.

Feedback on other forums is that the Harbeth may be marginally the "better'' speaker, but I'm not convinced.

Matching amps would likely be from MBL.

Thanks in advance
Thanks Dayglow, you have voiced exactly what I was thinking!

The conventional wisdom is that Harbeth is less fussy/more forgiving and has better resale value, but every Spendor I've listened to seems to me to have better soul and musicality.
Your MBL amps should give excellent bass control adding speed and tightnesss while still retaining the sonic signature of the 100R2.
A quick update - am thoroughly enjoying the Spendors. Incredibly musical speakers that allow for hours of non-fatiguing listening.

Thanks to Dayglow and Dave_72. All the best guys...