New Thiel Speakers - Post Jim Thiel Era

I see that Thiel has a couple of new speakers coming out. Are these speakers a new Jim Thiel-less speakers? Anyone know how these sound?
TT3 and TM3.
I think you might have misunderstood me. I wasn't questioning why the customer would buy the Thiel name, but rather why the new owners did. The Thiel name represented a specific criterion of design aspects. If they were going to completely deviate from that, it would probably alienate the Thiel customer base. It probably would have been cheaper just to start with a new company name, or perhaps even try and buy PSB. Dear Jim must be turning in his grave. I only hope his family is well taken care of. I seem to remember that the new owners originally declared they were going to maintain the Thiel tradition. I don't see how I could trust them now.
I think they & we will be alright. This is from Thiel yesterday.

Dear Bob,

Sounds great, I wish you luck in getting your system exactly how you want!

We will still be making the CS line for as long as there is demand, so probably for quite some time, and of course we will be able to service them indefinitely.

Have a great day.


Tim DeYoung | Technical Support
As a current thiel owner (CS2.4) I would not ever consider buying these new speakers and honestly it turns me off the whole brand. There are so many good speakers these days and sadly thiel is going backwards.
Why do I get the feeling that; sure they'll continue to make CS's so long as there is a market for them, but the CS's will also wither on the vine without any further development as other products continue to evolve?
Thank heaven there is still Green Mountain, Vandersteen, et al..
Thanks for the memories Jim, we knew we would miss you, just not how much.
Yes, that may be true, but thank God also for all the Thiels that are here now and will be for many many years. Best speakers I have owned. If I am lucky enough to get a pair of 3.7's I will carry them to the grave so it really does not matter to me after that. If not, I am happy to have my 2.7's Thiel is a speaker I can own for 20-30 years.