Survey:What Speakers Do You Want To Demo in Store?

If you had carte blanche to select what demo speakers a dealer would display, what lines would you like to be able to hear? Magnepan is a given, but what else? Please try to avoid super speakers in the astronomical price category; I'm looking for real world products under 10k. What do you guys want to hear?
Keeping it at $10k or less here goes...

Martin Logan-Montis-Has ML solved the woofer/panel continuity?
Lenehan Audio-ML2 Reference-A large stand mount with Dueland caps/resistors, but how does it sound?
KEF-R900-How close is it to the mighty 207/2?
JBL-LSR 6332-Can a great pro monitor be implemented in a true HEA system?
Evolution Acoustic-MM Micro 1-Would love to hear what all the hype is about!
Axiom-M80v3-Is this the Mid/Fi secret weapon?
KEF, Harbeth, Revel, Vivid, Joseph Audio, Vandersteen, Audiokinesis, Daedalus, Aerial, Paradigm or PSB. If you had all of those lines, I'd fly in and stay for a few days.
I admit I am lusting due her dress as she is hot in walnut but I want to audition Sonus Faber Olympica. I am actually going to try next weekend and I will be checking out Martin Logan at the same shop. I am starting over again and love Dynaudio so much but I sold my rig and with anything new I want to try something different to be different.

Those Sonus Faber look beyond georgeous but how do we sound?
I agree with Mceljo. The key is the mix of options. In my area there is one good audio dealer, and he has a fair mix, and a good attitude in terms of helping the customer choose. That is a rarity from what I hear. But obviously he can't carry all 'flavors'. New speakers are on my radar, and I would like to put ears to some of the ideas and philosophies I read about to determine what I like. No way to do it without racking up the frequent flyer miles, though. High on my list right now are Aerial and Revel, although I'm interested in some of the new-to-me tweeter options as well.