looking for opinions

I am considering pulling the trigger on my first experience with separates versus AV recievers. i have auditioned quicksilver, Rogue concerning Tubes and Krell, Pass for SS. I am considering the Pass xp-10 and XA-30 to drive my AudioPhysics Caldera II. I can get a 10 day return policy with RenoHiFI so that seems to be a good way to make sure i am happy with the matchup. Deal is very fair for a new 30.8 and used xp 10. I have not heard the matchup with these speakers but during some discussions with Nelson Pass he felt the 30.8 would do fine based on my listening area. It is a relatively small room with great wall treatment. Any thoughts on this particular matchup. the Caldera is listed at a 91 sensitivity so its obviously not as efficient as my previous Khorns and the overwhelming advice earlier on Agon was i needed to get better amplification.
From a cursory perspective It looks like it should be a very good match. Reno Hi-Fi is good to deal with and given his return policy there is little risk to you other than shipping costs should you decide to return the components.
Or you could simply buy a hybrid amp tubes + SS like the Rogue Medusa or the Rogue Sphynx integrated. Then you get the best of both worlds in one box. If your dealer is a Rogue dealer maybe he could get one for you to try out.

I have the Medusa in my system and I like it a lot.