High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?

This is a spin off from a meeting held by audio designers where the primary discussion was about high-end audio and how to get the younger generation interested & involved in high-end audio. One of the speakers mentioned that his son was not the least bit interested in his rig and if something was to happen to him, his son stated it all would be put up for sale on Ebay.

I thought it would be interesting to put this discussion forth to this audio community and to get opinions on the above subject. Are audiophiles a dying breed and what could rekindle this hobby for all new generations.
Really like this forum except Wolf putting me down. Glad to hear there is still creativity out there. I don't have time to find it. Would sure like to hear it on the top 40. Putting down my Fleetwood Mac?!! Now there's high end snobbery and fightin' words.
BTW, I think the comment on the ipod is incorrect. I think it is capable high quality audio, but most (many) people don't know it.
Where are you, big bad wolf? Are you listening to a live recording of Big Love and the following track on The Dance Landslide by the most underrated guitarist of his generation which features only Lindsey and his guitar and then Stevie and Lindsey's guitar and which awes everyone who hears it on my system? Or are you, as I suspect, paralyzed with PTS from your ancient musical lobotomy?
Fleetwood Mac are certainly successful (I saw 'em live by accident once and they were great)...Christine McVie has an amazing voice and has rejoined them I think. My point is that there are other people out there who are worthy of attention and every bit as good as the mainstream stuff you may enjoy...I hope I've simplified this point enough for the top 40 aficionados among us.
Minorl has it exactly right; as does Wolf re the state of music today. As much as I hate to say it one the biggest obstacles to the success of the High End may be audiophiles ourselves. The cynicism and negativity passing for "reality" as demonstrated so far is amazing. What a bunch of curmudgeons we are. "Snobbery" in the High End? What is more snobbish than being intent on considering oneself part of "a dieing breed". I have been reading and hearing about the death of quality audio for years and it is still here; and it is thriving as far as I can see. I see more manufacturers of quality gear than ever before (noticed how many manufacturers of quality TURNTABLES! we have now?), and in the 40+ years that I have played in this hobby I have never seen so much value offered in spite of the cries that gear is too expensive. Who says we are entitled to have the best? Instead of celebrating the fact that gear that is less than sota is still far better than much of the "best" of 40 years ago, we go around being pissed off that we cant afford the best; not a good perspective imo.

As has been pointed out, there will always be demand for gear that is a cut above. The High End is here to stay.