Conrad Johnson Classic Sixty

Anyone have any experience with or heard the Conrad Johnson Classic Sixty Tube Amplifier? I don't have a dealer near me, but am looking for an amp to pair with a CJ Classic Preamp and B&W 805S speakers.
I recently heard a Classic 60 with a sub through some Thiels and it sounded beautiful.

the Classic 60 is a sonic match w/ B&W speakers.
It has enough juice to make the floor -standers sing.
Best mated w/ a CJ ET-3 / ET-3 SE pre-amp.
You can use Audioquest or Transparent cable/cords as well.
Keep us posted.
I traded my Classic 60se for the new MF2550se -never looked back . I find the ET3se/MF2550se combo delivering the best of both worlds-texture and tone , detail and imagery. the 60se wasn't convincing at the lowest octaves.
Aren't most tube amps a little light on the bass? I have never heard one that can go as low as solid state. Is that a fair criticism of CJ gear when most tube amps have same issue?

not in my auditions. I will say that if one prefers electric guitar/electric bass- driven music, a solid state power amp is the way to go. Faster attack to my ears.

The CJ Classic 60se has enough "juice" to drive B&W 801/802D floorstanding speakers.