Conrad Johnson Classic Sixty

Anyone have any experience with or heard the Conrad Johnson Classic Sixty Tube Amplifier? I don't have a dealer near me, but am looking for an amp to pair with a CJ Classic Preamp and B&W 805S speakers.

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

For the record: Modern solid state amps are common among pro bass players (especially acoustic bass players who often use a small amp along with the house PA) as many designs sound great…often with tubes in the preamp section. Gallien Kruger was one of the first brands to come along that working bass players thought sounded great, and many others have followed. That said, tube bass amps like the classic Ampeg SVT (80 pounds for just the amp) and Mesa tube amps sound great also, and those who want to schlep ’em around do. I have an Ampeg Class D 350 watt bass amp that’s tiny, and a solid state Eden combo bass amp (plus tube guitar amps), but have in years past used things like Fender Showman tube amps and a tube Mesa 400 watter…all good. Also, in my home listening rig I use a 12 watt per side Dennis Had single ended tube amp that kicks butt and has very strong and controlled bass (efficient speakers are required I think)…for duty below 40hz (where my speakers drop off somewhat) I use 2 REL subs, so there's that.

I recently heard a Classic 60 with a sub through some Thiels and it sounded beautiful.