Your first amp?

What was it, when did you get it, and what did you really want?

I'll start, 1977, really wanted a Pioneer SX650 ( a powerhouse at, I seem to recall, 35wpc) but just didn't have the dough. Wound up with an SX450 (15 wpc) and gotta say, within it's power limitations, it was pretty decent.

Ah, back in the day when musical happiness was a receiver, a turntable, decent speakers (the JBL 100 Century was real nice), and to splurge, a cassette deck. In fact, I would say, in 1977, my 'dream system' would have been a Pioneer SX850, the L100's, a Philips GA212 turntable with a V15 type 3, and a Tandberg cassette deck.
An Eico integrated amp back in 69. My dad got it at a yard sale. I don't recall the model, but it got me started in this hobby.
The first amp I purchased with my money was a Pioneer SX535 receiver. A great little 25 watt receiver.
A Sansui 210 receiver in 1971. I wanted a Sony, but didn't have the extra 50.00 at the time. The system consisted of a Sansui 210 receiver, a BSR turntable with Shure cartridge, Sony TC 121 cassette deck with a Teac AN 50 outboard Dolby noise reduction adapter, and some cheap Panasonic 2 way speakers from a previous compact stereo system. I was in stereo heaven!