OPPO 103 or OPPO 95?

Which would you get? A used OPPO 95 or a new OPPO 103?

Joe in Mobile
Seems to me based on what you're doing you have no need for 4K future support or scaling so I'd say go with the 95 with the better analog stage.
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For me saying the 9.9 dacs are amazing is that compared to what I was using they are. Its like my 1st car, ’69 rambler with 3 on the tree. Any car that had ac and a radio was amazing!! I am looking/thinking about a dac for the id100 at a later date. What I understand about the 103 is that that the sacd signal can only be used on one hdmi channel? I am sure I am over thinking this and I agree about the warranty. Thx for the input so far.

Joe in Mobile
Bob, your recommendation is predicated on your first point, that Joe considers the analog process of the 9.9 amazing, and that may be sufficient. But reviews suggest the analog section of the 95 is superior. It seems as though your advice relies on the notion that what he doesn't know won't hurt him. OTOH, he did buy a 9.9 but may upgrade in the future.

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