what is the best way to deal w/ an asymnetrical ..

..room? Need help. Cannot chg due various issues. One one side wall w/ window. The opposite side open to dining area. Very, very high ceiling (two stories). Speakers sound best when NOT toed-in. Echobusters at corners of side wall? Any good advice?
I am not sure that an asymmetrical room is any problem. In a concert hall, most of the audience sits towards one sidewall or the other. My room is very asymmetrical, straight wall with windows and fireplace on one side, and multiple hallways and a staircase on the other. Also, the walls have lots of irregular jogs, and there are several alcoves. Furniture goes where it is useful and looks good, and that's not symmetrical. Bottom line is that standing waves have a hard time getting established.

When designing loudspeaker enclosures, an asymmetrical box and offset driver locations is considered a good idea. Why not for the big box we call our "listening room"?
I second the suggestion that you get CARA and use it before investing in any more hardware. It should tell you what you want to know: why the system sounds the way it does now and how it will sound if you move/add components/room treatment.
I have my JM Reynaud Offrandes setup in my room in a similar situation. The room is 16x21 overall but I have to setup with the speakers firing towards the short wall with only using one half the width of the room. So one speaker is about three feet from the wall w/window and the other has about 10 or so feet to the wall.

One room treatemnt that helped me get better imaging and soundstaging, basically just snapped everything in place better was the addition of Argent room lenses. I have one flanking each speaker and then one behind the speakers in the middle.
So basically I just diffracted the side wall reflections and then focused on treating the surfaces that I could. For me that meant a thick carpet on the floor, a 2'x6' ceiling absorber using Auralex foam, and an Echobuster Double Buster on the wall behind the listening position.
the prob w/ TACT is....

great for CDs but cannot use for DSD or High res PCM...
or has it been updated?