What am I going to do with all of this junk?

I have a couple of really decent systems, and multiples of some of the good stuff, but I just can't seem to pass up friends giving me their audio garbage. They know that for the last thirty years I have been into the hobby and I seem to be a magnet for this stuff. Not that I havn't gotten some ultra cool and rare tube gear this way, but that's for another thread. This one's about the crap. I walked into my closet and did a brief inventory, all of this junk was free, except as noted, speaker pairs: Celestion DL-8mk2, Scott 6.2, Realistic Minimus 7 ($20.00, five years ago), Tuners: Yamaha CT-600, Sansui 717 ($25.00, ten years ago) Preamp: Carver 4000, Amp: Van Alstine MosFet 120B ($35.00) Receivers: Sherwood, Toshiba, Turntable: Technics SLD2. The garage is even worse, tube integrated amps in disrepair, tube PA amps, a couple of tube multiplex units, mono tube tuners, mono tube preamps. Transformers, knobs, wood cabinets, project boxes, bags of unsorted tubes. My name's Marty and I have a problem. Anyone else want to confess?
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I was thinking about my last post, and I shall further indulge...

Actually, while the pack-rat DNA resides on the 'Y' chromosome, I do empirically know for an incontestable fact that the 'audiophile' DNA rests on the 'W' Chromosome, and that is is recessive.

This is true that, just like color blindness, the fellow with only one 'W' Chromosome that has the audiophile-tweak can't resist. But in the case of women it takes a pair of matching 'W-tweaked' recessive Chromosomes for it to appear.

After all, what else could possible explain it (us..)?
Well Marty.....there are worse pasttimes, you know. You could be a self destructive crackhead or worse!
BTW....speaking of pasttimes, I got into baseball card collecting for a coupla years. Talk about an addictive and useless hobby. Spent about $4000 and now I have cabinets full of the crap that's been there for about 10 yrs now! Wanna make a trade!?!? I'll trade ya my crap for your crap!
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Saw this thread and wondered if you have a volume pot for a Sherwood S-5000II integrated amp lying around in good working shape. Mine is worn out to the point where the volume fades in and out with the turn of the dial. I'm reaching here, but who knows...