Monitor enthusiasts: musical subwoofers?

What makes a musical sub musical? I am considering the addition of a sub to my monitor-based system, but for the most part I find subs intrusive and difficult to "blend". In selecting a sub for use with a monitor type of speaker (rather than a large floor stander), what do you prefer? Stereo subs? Multiple smaller drivers? Any thoughts/suggestions/philosophies appreciated, Jb3
Stereo subs, ideally REL..unless you own a TACT preamp, in which case the TACT subs work better. I own a pair of REL's now, and waiting for my TACT's to arrive. My monitors are the SF Guarneri
Can't comment on the Stereo/Mono question, but REL is certainly the most musical, and coherent sub in my experience with 5 different brands. Others might impress for a short listen, but over time the Rel sounds more natural when dialed in. I like smaller drivers because I like to hear more pronounced plucking of the strings over maximum bass energy, but that's a personal taste thing.