Paradigm Studio 100 v.3 or B&W 703?

Any thoughts on these products. Both are new versions of existing products. Thanks.
I spent two hours yesterday listening to the B&W 703's and they sound great. Compared to the B&W CDM 9NT, I found the 703's highs to be smoother and the bass more pronounced (yet very tight).

For overall clarity and detail I prefered the 703 to the Studio 100. Although the Studio 100 had a bit more bass extension, to my ears, the bass was not as tight as the B&W. I also prefered the B&W CDM 9NT over the Studio 100, but the Studio 100 does cost less and offers a great dollar-for-dollar value.
If you don't mind spending a lot of extra money, buy the B&W's. You will not find a better sounding speaker for under $2000 than the studio 100's, period. Go to and read the reviews. I would also recommend going to paradigms web site and reading the science behind these beauties. To find a speaker that sounds better than the studio 100's you will need to up to 3 times what the paradigms sell for just to get a comparable sound. I'm running a 5.1 system powered buy Nakamichi equipment and my Paradigms sound Beautiful. These babies are power hungry so you will need a good amp to drive them.
Well, I do prefer a more forward sounding speaker so B&W's and Paradigms have been on my list. I've heard the studio 60, studio 100, the B&W 704 and the 703. The B&W's are worth the extra cash in every way. If you have the money get the better speaker. If your budget is tight, buy the Paradigms.
Wow. You really seem to be limiting your choices both in speakers and amps. Not that the ones you listed aren't very good products(by the way, I have a McCormack DNA 0.5 Rev. A), it's just that you are really in a sweet spot price-wise and it would be a shame if you couldn't broaden your horizons a bit to see what else is out there. Off the top I'd list Silverline, Soliloquy, Audio Physic, Triangle, Von Schweikert, Meadowlark, VMPS, and Coincident Tech. that compete in that range, most of which I'd take over the B&Ws or the Paradigms. Of course that's a personal choice, but you can gain a lot if you can manage to venture a little out of the mainstream. Don't even bother shopping for an amp until you've identified the speakers that really float your boat -- just my opinion. Best of luck.
I am assuming you have already at least auditioned these pieces to narrow them down to this short list. If you feel sure that these are what you are after, I would go with the Paradigms as well. I owned a pair of B&W N804 speakers and sold them for Studio 100.2s. I haven't regretted it one bit except that the 804s looked better. The 100.2s are wonderful speakers if you give them good clean power. Their dynamics are impressive and I don't find them to be unclear at all, regardless of the input. Compared to the the B&W, the bass is more full, the mids are richer, and the sound is overall more "coherent" which gives great rhythm to all types of music. I use McIntosh amps with mine, chosen over McCormack 125, Classe 100, and Krell KSA 100 (among others) in my system. Audition however because synergy doesn't come easily. I haven't yet heard the new versions so in my recommendation I am assuming they continue with their respective family-sound characteristic. Best of luck - Arthur