amps for dunlavy sc4

I would be interested to hear from owners of Dunlavy SCIV and what amps they use and their impressions. I just purchased a pair and now want to replace the Adcom 545. Thanks, Ben.
I believe that these speakers were voiced using a Spectron Musician II. If not, it may be that I heard Mr Dunlavy is using the Spectron with these. This is a great amp and way above the Adcom in sonics. Good luck.
When I spoke with Mr. Dunlavy he said his first choice was the Rowlands, for those on a on a more modest budget he recommended the Spectron.
I don't see how ANY AMP DUNLAVY RECOMMENDED for his speakers should be taken into consideration really! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!.....
I was at Dunlavy's factory for a tour for 2 whole days, when he owned it, and EVERY single listening room and rig set up he had sounded WORSE THAN ANY, that's right ANY audiophile rigs I EVER heard!!! The sound was worse than I care to recollect! I was embarased for John really, as I saw a few other guests touring the factory during my stay, all pretty much shaking their heads about the sound as I did! No offense, I think highly of JOhn. But "Golden Ear" he aint!!...even if he is a well achieved engineer and speaker builder!
John has been known to say in the past that you can use "any 'ol amp" or "any 'ol speaker wire" and it shouldn't matter with his speakers! I must say, I've made his speakers sound NIGHT AND DAY better than he ever did at his shop! I do like a lot of things about his speaker designs. But his choices and recommendations for associated gear I think leave a lot to be desired! Just my input...