Speaker match for 75 watt Tenor amps

I'm getting very close to purchasing a pair of
Tenor amps and would like some opinions on speaker
choices. Top contenders so far; Verity Parsifal
encores and Coincidents. I'm pretty sold on the
Verity ,but interested in other peoples opinions.
Kharma, Piega, Alon, Coincident, Talon, Verity. Shoot me an email with your phone number I know a few people you may want to talk to about this.
first, you are smart to start with a great amp and then find the right speaker.....the amp/speaker match is to me the most significant decision in any system. i went with the Tenor/Kharma.....but the Verity Parsifal/Tenor is a very good combo....and with your moniker of Saxman...the Verity will be especially lush and musical with sax recordings. i would stick with that direction. the Verity Parsifal will be more weighty and full-bodied than the Coincidents.

you will love the Tenors.