Is my listening geometry too small?

I have Axiom 22Ti speakers (TMM type) on 15 " stands.
As my room is very small, I have to sit very close to speakers.

Speaker are about 6-7' apart, each of them are a few feet from side and rear wall (equatorial triangle).

I toe them in a bit. (I try toe them in a lot, but feel that it's too bright.)

Is my sitting setup to small to obtain good sound stage and sound quality?

I listen to mostly vocal and chamber musics with some pop/rock and classical. I listen to moderate level, not lound at all.

I would like to hear some thought before putting lot of effort to rearrange my room.

Thanks a lot,

I am also listening in a small room...I have my speakers (Sonus Fabers) set up about the same as yours. I think the important thing is that you use the equilateral triangle as your basis (that's what philefreak was saying I believe) and you really can't do much better. The only thing left after that is to place them in such a way as to get good bass balance. I have a B&W sub too, and I am very pleased with the sound.
Make sure to that the distance from the back wall is not the same as the distance from the side wall.
My room is about 13'x15' speakers are placed along the 13' side. I use only half of the room for listening set up. The other half is for my bed.

I sit about 7' away from each speakers (equilateral triangle). I am about 7' away from the back wall.

Thanks a lot for all suggestion.
