
Discussions ake has started

SAR and equiptments from infected countries?24377
Trace for a low buzz in one channel on AE3 preamp?29215
Any Duty Fee to import equipment from China?24753
What's up with Joida stuffs from Hongkong?49779
How Jolida JD100 compared to CAL IconII?26783
How long does it take to break in the Hexfred?25512
Where are analog resources for the beginner?25184
How much to spend on analog to get a decent sytem?33376
Will I hear better sonic from WE300B on my system44755
How good are German vers Best of Jennifer Warnes?14150
Short Life of Oil CAP only 250 Hours??28394
Does a good monitor produce a compressed sound?29695
How to interpret the readings from tube tester?86315
Quality of the Stereophile Recording CDs on webs?16173
need help Unpgrading from CAL Ikon MK II44386