Ugliest speaker ever?

I've been following the thread seeking nominations for the "coolest speaker ever", and I can think of a few speakers that merit such a distinction. While we're at it, however, let's list some of the ugliest speakers ever designed. I can think of a few recent ones, such as the Avantgarde horn speakers (Uno, Duo, etc.), and the Calix Technology Phoenix Signature (see page 58 of the May issue of Stereophile for a photo). Other nominees?
Yes, the Wilson Audio X-1 Grand Slams are butt ugly. So are all the big Dunluvy's in my opinion. These speakers were all designed with only the functional aspect in mind, without regard to any appreciation of aesthetics. As to many other speakers mentioned above, I feel they were designed with some aesthetics in mind. Of course, whether one appreciates it or not is a another matter. Then again, that is the true nature of aesthetics, isn't it??? I have the Nautilus 801 speakers. To me, they are amazingly gorgeous, but to other people, they are simply butt ugly, as I have read in some audio reviews......
Spica Angelus, too. But, you gotta figure, somebody who's making ugly speakers must have a reason -- you've heard of "price no object?" How 'bout "looks no object." Most, if not all, of these mentioned are great sounding speakers.