Any cheap but good speakers with bass?

Are there any inexpensive (new or used under $500) speakers with good bass?
Have you considered adding a small sub woofer? If so give me a buzz. I have a velodyne ct 100 I am offing. Plenty of punch to back a couple small speakers. This is just a suggestion not a sales pitch. Any sub would do the trick.
Go to and read their review of the PSB Image 4T. In their words "The Image 4T's bass performance was uncanny." I own a set and have to agree. In B-Stock they are available for $400/pair at
You might - just might - be able to find a used pair of NHT 2.5is close to your price range; typically they go for maybe around $650? All the bass you could want, and the rest of the sound is pretty good, too.

I also believe that NHT is closing out (or updating) the current "Super" series, and there are ads for the Super-Two for $500/pair.

I'll second Dodlb's recommendation of the PSB Image series. I just bought a pair of Stratus Bronze (their top series) about six months ago but in the process I did give the Image speakers a good listen. In terms of bass, they're simply awesome at their price. The Stratus series topped them in terms of treble, mids and soundstage, but I don't think you can find the Bronze for less than $500. PSB speakers are great for the price and have bass in spades!
