Harbeth HL C7 ES

Hello guys

Anyone knows these speakers?
I bought them two months ago and I found them as very interesting speakers.
Now I'm driving 'em with solid state Odyssey Stratos and I like this combo but it would be nice to know is someone tried them tubeized since I never listened with good tube amps.
Wow, these 7ES's are fantastic! I just received my pair two days ago and they are humming with the Marsh Amp. What's interesting to me is that these speakers don't have that "artificial" transparency that you get with some high-end speakers. When I first started this search for new speakers two years ago, I was impressed by the airiness of some speakers. But, the longer I listened, the more artificial they sounded, almost as if they were "tweaked" to be breathy and bright (does this make sense?). Conversely, these 7ES's are much more natural, and sexier. Just a personal opinion. I'll cautiously explore new cables, and heard the negative feedback from REG and Alan on the Harbeth User Group. Still open to recommendations, though. Thanks!
How does the 7-ES-2 differ from the 7-ES, anyone know?

And who in the States sells Harbeth?

Brooklyn Audio carries the Harbeth line- they're a showcase dealer listed on Audiogon. As I understand it, the differences between the 7 Es and 7 ES-2 are cosmetic but you may want to contact them and check.