Help with sub for music


I have a CJ CAV tube integrated and QLN signature II's with external cross-overs.
I want to add a quality sub that will also allow me to run the speaker cables through the sub and cut off the low frequencies from my main speakers, which I'm hoping will lower power demand on the amp, and maybe improve the sound?
I looked at the Sunfire True sub, but they don't appear to have an option to wire main speakers through the sub, for low frequency cut-off?

Does anyone know a good sub that will allow me to do this? Is it a good thing to do in your opinion?

Can anyone recommend a site that explains options on how to connect a sub - the cabling must be some kind of 'Y' connector I'm guessing?

Sorry to have so many questions but this sub thing is driving me nuts. Its for music only, no stomping T-rex's in my house!

You might try searching the Audiogon threads for "subwoofer". There has already been alot of good discussion about subs in general and some about specific models. My budget was very limited ($500) and I wanted a decent sub primarily for music but also for movies. I went with the Hsu Research VTF-2. My setup is such that it is "wired" using the sub output from my A/V preamp. But, it can be connected using the speaker output from your preamp; your loudspeakers are then connected to output terminals on the sub. The cross-over will "remove" the selected frequency, and below, from the signal passed to your loudspeakers. As I wanted the benefit of Dolby Digital for movies I haven't experimented with this connection method. Rather than confuse you by trying to explain things I haven't really investigated in depth I'll just encourage you again to do some research and read the excellent posts already given in other threads.
The Vandersteen 2W is a very musical sub that has the cut-off/roll off filters. The other really good musical subs are the REL's, however, they integrate with your main speakers, ie, your main speakers go full range.
I have Velodyne HGS12 Which does what you want. Preamp out to input on sub then sub out to input on main amp. To do this with integrated amp you require a preamp out and an amp in on your CJ amp. In effect the integrated amp is separeted into two parts.