amarra or pure music..?

I already use both (on my g5 power mac + dcs debussy), amarra mini and pure music.
I am not sure wich of both is the better sounding sw, they sound slightly different.
pure music, with memory player on, is a little smoother, amrra a little more definite..

Your experiences..?

Thank u..

Ps. pure meusic is not perfectly stabile,. also in the last release. they are sometimes clicks... and the program crased down, saltuary.
I have been using Pure Music for the last month and agree that there are a few glitches. The latest version 1.3 seems to be working better for me. I still have some delays and for some reason at times I will highlight a song to play and it skips down to the one below. Haven't figured that one out yet. Overall though the sound is far better than itunes and for the money the improvement in sound is hard to beat. If something comes along that is better at least I do not have a lot of money tied up in it.
Dmailer: I have the PM 1.02; is the 1.3 a free upgrade.? Apparently they didn't debug the skipping track problem you describe, b/c I have that too. Had a couple of other guys over last night, and there was a strong consensus that PM is a nice improvement in sound. I'd happily pay a bit more for smoother functionality. John
A few days ago they put a 1.4 version on their website. If you have paid for the program the downloads for the upgrades are at no additional cost. There have been many improvements since the 1.02 version.
IMO Amarra adds it's own sonic signature that I don't care for. I much prefer the "pure" (pun intended) presentation of Pure Music. I suppose there are so many different variables in computer audio that one might not ever get to the bottom of why but I have never experienced any of the stopping, popping, clicking problems others have reported with Pure Music. I could not be happier with Pure Music SQ.
I have both Amarra(Not the mini) and PM on my macbook pro, PM 1.4 is much much stable and sounds better than any early versions, especially with Hog mode and Less Is More enabled, and play from memory. PM compare to Amarra? I can't even stand the sound from Amarra, PM sounds more refined, more detailed with a nicer texture. I only paid $79 for PM, and One grand for Amarra! I really hope the Amarra 2.0 will sound better than PM, and not just a little!